The Future of U.S. Manufacturing is Bright

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  • October 23rd, 2013
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The Future of U.S. Manufacturing is Bright

CabinetMakerFDM_com_LogoArt Raymond,
Digital manufacturing technology, stable energy supply and new materials are all reasons for optimism. FULL ARTICLE

We have real reason to be optimistic! Newfangled manufacturing tools are finding their way into industries across our economy. Combined with other technologies, these tools are heralding the beginnings of a new chapter in an ongoing industrial revolution.

Since the 19th century, the world of manufacturing has moved from single craftsmen building items by hand on a bench, to the advent of interchangeable parts, assembly lines, and finally to lean production in the late 20th century. Over that time, these developments have driven a quantum increase in human productivity — the real key to improved standard of living. With the global economy presently faltering, a new spark is needed to regain the momentum required to achieve prosperity for all.

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