A Message to the Industry from Angelo Gangone, EVP of AWFS®

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  • August 1st, 2020
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A Message to the Industry from Angelo Gangone, EVP of AWFS®

To say that this year has been nothing close to what we would have expected on January 1, 2020, could possibly be the understatement of the century. Times have changed and each one of us has had to adjust our lives and more importantly, our expectations, in order to move forward. AND moving forward is truly really what it’s all about.

I know that so many of us want things to go back to where they were pre-COVID-19. However, it is becoming more obvious that we won’t go back to that place in the immediate future. Now, I do still take the optimistic view and believe we will actually emerge from this stronger and better having learned from our missteps and doing what we’ve had to do in order to adapt and keep ourselves and our families safe and healthy (all the while not forgetting those families that have lost loved ones, whom our hearts go out to).

At AWFS®, we have long been in the planning stages for our next event scheduled for July of 2021. At this point, we have little to indicate that we won’t be facing much more favorable circumstances next July. However, we also know that not everything will simply return to where it was prior to the current health crisis. We will all have to adapt in some form or fashion. As we approach our event and those changes begin to take shape, we will communicate the necessary steps that we need to take (as show management) in order to provide our Fair participants with an environment that is both safe and conducive to (once again) conducting business on a face-to-face basis, all the while making it as seamless and least disruptive as possible. This is our promise to all of you for putting your trust in our organization and the people behind it.

If there is anything that truly stands out in light of this pandemic, it is simply that people miss the social interaction in-person events bring to each of us, whether it’s meeting with our existing (or finding new) customers, interacting with our colleagues or simply seeing old friends. We are truly social creatures and that is something that cannot simply be replicated via technology. We need that social interaction in our lives because it is simply who we are.

As challenging as this year has been, I always try to keep in mind, that even during the difficult moments I know that I have many reasons to be grateful. Although we are a small staff here at AWFS, I am very blessed to be surrounded by people that are dedicated professionals – individuals that truly have the best interest of our industry at heart. This is something that should never, ever be underestimated. In the end, the AWFS® staff has not only gained my confidence and respect but that of our Board of Directors as well. I now get to look forward to watching our team pull off an incredibly successful show next year, one that will keep moving our industry forward as we transition into many better days ahead.

Association of Woodworking & Furnishing Suppliers