10 Ways You Can Help Promote Careers in Wood

  • admin
  • February 1st, 2021
  • No Comments

10 Ways You Can Help Promote Careers in Wood

YouWood is a new industry-wide website that provides information and resources about careers in wood. The site was developed by WIRC (Wood Industry Resource Collaborative), a group of leadership representatives from wood industry organizations. AWFS is a Founding and Executive member of WIRC, and other member associations include: WMMA and WMIA (also both Executive members), AWI, CPA, IWF Atlanta, NWFA, NBMDA, WCMA, and WMA.


Ten Ways You Can Help Spread the Word to Students and Job Seekers about Careers in the Wood Industry:

  1. Redistribute the press release about the launch of YouWood to colleagues and customers.
  2. Feature the YouWood website in your customer/internal corporate newsletters. (we can provide a paragraph if needed!)
  3. Link out to the YouWood site on your website as an industry resource wherever applicable.
    • Examples: career feature sections, event literature, etc.
  4. Follow and share YouWood social accounts and posts:
  5. Feature the YouWood banner ads and images on your site or within internal/customer newsletters, etc.
  6. Advocate for YouWood (and wood industry careers) with collaborators, parents, educators, influencers, etc.
  7. Forward along or share any of the following with the WIRC team:
    • Relevant articles about the wood industry that we could consider for new content, etc.
    • Any industry research you conduct or find.
    • Wood industry career data. We wants to make the case for ALL careers that are available and continue to add them to the site.
  8. Add WIRC to your distribution list for any news or new content you create related to wood industry careers, or that would be of interest to students or job seekers
  9. Share input as we identify real wood industry pros to feature within our site and campaign: 
    • Include the WIRC team on the distribution of any personnel or customer spotlight or success stories you develop.
    • Provide contact info for individuals we can reach out to to develop spotlight stories to showcase on the YouWood website
  10. Submit upcoming industry event information via this form to add them to the event section of the YouWood website. – events should be open and applicable to students and job seekers (i.e. no “members-only” events)

To learn more, contact AWFS Marketing Coordinator, Roschel Dizon roschel@awfs.org

Association of Woodworking & Furnishing Suppliers