Letter from AWFS Board President, Dan Hershberger

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  • February 18th, 2021
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Letter from AWFS Board President, Dan Hershberger

Greetings AWFS® Members,

Dan Hershberger, AWFS Board President

We are we well on our way in the new year and the challenges of 2020 are fading quickly. COVID-19 has severely impacted many businesses and industries in the U.S., while others did quite well and some even flourished. Fortunately, from all the reports that I have read, our industry has done surprisingly well throughout this unimaginable situation.

As I look ahead in 2021, I see that we are definitely trending in the right direction and there is a lot of pent-up demand for the AWFS®Fair this year.

Since the last major international woodworking show in the U.S. was AWFS®Fair in 2019, our customers are ready to see new technology in person!  We have learned to adapt and make changes in our customer presentations using Zoom and other online platforms, which have worked quite well under the circumstances. But there still is nothing better than seeing something (new) in person, asking questions and getting firsthand answers.

AWFS®Fair 2021 will take place in the new West exhibition hall at the Las Vegas Convention Center. This new hall is going to make attending the show more enjoyable than ever before. From the exhibitor perspective, the new hall is going make the presentations better and more dynamic than ever. Exhibitors have been anxious for an opportunity to show their new innovations for more than a year – and now they can. There have certainly been a lot of new developments to showcase and now is the time to show them off!

Even with all the uncertainty, the staff at AWFS® has never slowed down or backed off in their show preparations. Everyone is working harder than ever to make sure that this year’s Fair is the best show ever! Keep checking the show website as new show housing opportunities are being updated and continue to be added. We look forward to seeing everyone at the show. It is going to GREAT!!

Association of Woodworking & Furnishing Suppliers