AWFS® Board President: Industry Remains Strong Through Challenges

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  • December 13th, 2021
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AWFS® Board President: Industry Remains Strong Through Challenges

What a year 2021 has been! To say that 2021 has been a challenge is an understatement. We have done more work from home than we ever thought possible and have been more effective and efficient doing it. Who could have imagined closing machinery orders without ever meeting with a customer in person? It now happens regularly. Video conferences have become the norm and are an accepted method of conducting business. We have all learned to be successful in our jobs, just not the way we have always done it.

Despite all the challenges we have faced in our society over the last 20 months, our industry is still very strong. The good news is that all manufacturers and suppliers are reporting record sales! More good news is that AWFS® was able host the hugely successful AWFS®Fair in Las Vegas this past July. The attendance was great, and the exhibitors were excited to speak with customers in person. The restrictions were very minimal, and everyone was able to freely attend Las Vegas and enjoy the show and the city.

It seems like everything we do in our society today has been impacted by “supply chain issues” and our segment of the woodworking industry is no different. As I speak with various suppliers and manufacturers – both domestic and international – the story is the same. It is unfortunate that during a time tremendous sales, delivery of machinery and goods is more difficult (slower) than it ever has been. No one is immune from these challenges and difficulties.

Fortunately, our organization is there to serve everyone from the largest machinery manufacturer to the smallest hardware supplier. No other organization in our industry has such a broad focus. AWFS® has many services in place to serve our members. Please spend a moment on our website. There is a lot of valuable and useful information contained there that may be just what you were looking for.

Looking forward to 2022!

– Dan Hershberger, AWFS® Board President

Association of Woodworking & Furnishing Suppliers