Press Release: AWFS® Advocates for Woodworking Industry in Successful Washington DC Fly-in Trip

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  • April 29th, 2024
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Press Release: AWFS® Advocates for Woodworking Industry in Successful Washington DC Fly-in Trip



Washington DC, (April 29, 2024) – A group comprised of AWFS® staff, board, and from the Association of Woodworking & Furnishings Suppliers® (AWFS®) recently met with legislators in Washington D.C., interfacing with 16 Congressional offices from both the House of Representatives and the Senate.

Throughout the meetings, members advocated for several key pillars crucial to the prosperity and sustainability of the wood industry. Focal points included: increasing support for Career and Technical Education (CTE) initiatives catering to secondary students; bolstering Workforce Development programs tailored to post-secondary students and job seekers; championing the use of sustainable materials such as wood in manufacturing processes; advocating for the expansion of managed forestry within the United States; and promoting fair trade practices, particularly concerning Chinese imports of cabinet-goods.

AWFS® Board President, Michael Cassell, expressed his satisfaction with the outcomes of the trip, stating, “I am very pleased with the visit. AWFS® provided the legislators with some good information about the concerns of our industry.”

Michael Cassell provided additional details regarding the discussions, stating, “The team was briefed on a series of topics ranging from Labor issues and the WIOA (Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act) HR-6655, Employer Skills Act HR-4186 providing funding for employer-driven training for their particular needs, to Immigration and Trade, particularly concerning China diverting goods through Malaysia and Vietnam in an effort to bypass import and trade tariffs. We were able to present and deliver our concerns to legislators and their staff for consideration and to deliver a message, which was well received.”

AWFS® is delighted to announce monthly legislative updates for our members, in collaboration with our lobbyists at LobbyIt. These updates will provide regular insights into current congressional legislation relevant to AWFS®’ and the wood industry’s interests, detailing their progress toward enactment. For many years, LobbyIt has partnered with AWFS® to coordinate DC fly-ins, enabling our members to directly engage with national representatives and advocate on our behalf throughout the year.

We are pleased to observe progress on two key issues that AWFS® lobbied for in March 2024. The US Commerce Department has responded to the wood industry’s concerns by initiating actions to enforce fair trade practices regarding Chinese cabinet and component imports. These imports, which circumvent import tariffs by transshipping products through Malaysia and Vietnam, are now under scrutiny. Additionally, the House of Representatives has reauthorized the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), with the legislation now advancing to the Senate.

As AWFS® continues to navigate federal-level advocacy, the association encourages its members and all stakeholders within the wood industry to persist in advocating at state and local levels for the shared priorities of the wood industry.

The visit to Capitol Hill was attended by the following AWFS members® and staff:

Michael Cassell, AWFS® Board President, Weinig Holz-Her
John Henderson, AWFS® Board Member, John Henderson & Co.
Nathan Klomp, AWFS® Board Member, Specified Components
Phyllis Crystal, AWFS® Board Member, Uneeda Enterprises
Kenn Busch, AWFS® Public Policy Committee Member, Material Intelligence
Jeff Pitcher, AWFS® Public Policy Committee Member, CP Adhesives Inc.
Angelo Gangone, AWFS® Executive Vice President
Tovi Spero, AWFS® Education Director

Additionally, we extend our gratitude to Casin Spero and Jonathan Taylor from LobbyIt for their invaluable support in this advocacy effort.

Reflecting on the trip, Michael Cassell provided insight into the breadth of discussions, stating, “The team was briefed on a series of topics ranging from Labor issues and the WIOA (Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act) HR-6655, Employer Skills Act HR-4186 providing funding for employer-driven training for their particular needs, to Immigration and Trade, particularly in China diverting goods through Malaysia and Vietnam in an effort to bypass import and trade tariffs. We split into two teams for five and were able to present and deliver our concerns to 13 different Legislators’ staff for consideration and to deliver our message which was well received.”

AWFS® remains steadfast in our commitment to advocating for the woodworking industry’s prosperity, and we look forward to continuing our collaborative efforts towards a vibrant and sustainable future.

Official Press Release:
AWFS® Advocates for Woodworking Industry in Successful Washington DC Fly-in Trip

About AWFS®:
AWFS® is the United States’ largest trade association representing the interests of the broad array of companies that supply the home and commercial furnishings industry.

For more information on the AWFS®Fair, please visit

About AWFS®Fair:
The AWFS®Fair, scheduled for July 22-25, 2025, in Las Vegas. The AWFS®Fair is a premier international event in the woodworking industry. Serving as a vital hub for global commerce in home and commercial furnishings, the fair brings together manufacturers and distributors of machinery, hardware, plastics, lumber, and construction materials.

For more information
on the AWFS®Fair, please visit

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For media inquiries, please contact:
Roschel Dizon
Marketing Coordinator

Association of Woodworking & Furnishing Suppliers