Industry News: AWI Scholarships and Grants Available

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  • January 19th, 2022
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Industry News: AWI Scholarships and Grants Available

Please read on for information about scholarships and grants available from our friends at AWI (Architectural Woodwork Institute). Please share with any students or teachers in your network!

2022 AWIEF Scholarship Program

As a woodwork program instructor or school administrator, the Architectural Woodwork Institute Education Foundation (AWIEF) Board of Directors invites you to nominate an outstanding woodwork student for consideration of the 2022 AWIEF Scholarship Program.

Scholarship winners receive financial scholarship proceeds that can be used to offset costs of their woodwork studies for admissions, class supplies, and or books that might be incurred through their education institutions.

AWIEF implemented a simplified and streamlined the scholarship application. The intent of the compressed timeline is to issue checks prior to the close of the spring semester.

NEW THIS YEAR!!! YOU MAY NOMINATE 2 students per instructor!! We have $50,000 we are trying to award in 2022!

The Instructor’s nomination process takes only minutes of your time. So, if you have an outstanding woodwork student worthy of your recommendation, please begin the simple process outlined below: It has gone digital for 2022. Please start with web link below.

Instructor completes the Nomination Form Part 1.

Email Your Scholarship Nominee, and they complete Parts 2 and 3

Nominee submits Application prior to January 31, 2022 deadline.

Thank you in advance for your consideration in nominating an outstanding student for consideration of the 2021 AWIEF scholarship program.

2022 AWIEF Grant Program

But the giving does stop there. The foundation received a 2 million dollar gift in 2021. While one portion funds the Randolph Estabrook Scholarship program, the other is designated for a grant program intended to support and enhance school equipment needs. Please review the application for all the requirements and timeline. Grant applications are due by March 31, 2022. All information can be found at the link below.

Please help us share the great news of our industry and share our opportunities to support our next generation of the wood industry.

Questions? Contact:

Doug Hague, AWIEF

Association of Woodworking & Furnishing Suppliers