Shop Dog: Meet Winnie Gordon

  • admin
  • April 6th, 2022
  • No Comments

Shop Dog: Meet Winnie Gordon

Winnie Gordon is the number one shop dog and boss at Shop Dogs Design. Her papa, Greg Gordon, is the man behind the saw. Winnie was adopted in January of 2017 by Greg and his wife. When Winnie arrived to their home she could not walk and was severely emaciated. In one of Greg’s earliest projects he built Winnie a personalized cart to help her teach herself to walk again. Miraculously and in very Winnie fashion, just over a month later she was back on her feet and she hasn’t slowed down since. These days Winnie keeps a close eye on the shop patrolling the perimeter and alerting her papa if any intruders (like the mailman or a leaf) approach. She also runs a very tight ship inside the shop, ensuring all projects stay on time and on budget. Oh, and she will also model as needed but only if there’s cheese involved. It’s tough being a shop dog but someone’s gotta do it!


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