
New Industry-Wide Website Promotes Wood Industry Careers

The YouWood site has been developed by WIRC (Wood Industry Resource Collaborative), a group of leadership representatives from wood industry organizations. AWFS is a Founding and Executive member of WIRC, and other member associations include: WMMA and WMIA (also both Executive members), AWI, CPA, IWF Atlanta, NWFA, NBMDA, WCMA, and WMA.


Read: 10 Ways You Can Help Promote Careers in Wood

Post Open Positions on the AWFS Job Board

Southern California Companies: Connect with SWM!

1 page Flyer: How to Engage with Schools

Outreach to Schools

The resources you will find here are intended to assist companies in developing partnerships with schools towards the larger goal of creating the next generation of viable and skilled employees. The lack of a skilled workforce is a challenge that must be taken on by the industry itself. Once we accept that, we can get to work on a solution.

Below are basic guidelines and related forms for:

  • partnering with high schools with the intention to hire students at graduation
  • offering student internships and teacher externships
  • visiting schools as a guest speaker
  • opening your company doors for school tours

These documents are all in “Word” format so you can customize any of them with company content, specific needs, photos, logos, etc. They are intended to give you basic information to get you started. These are “living” documents that will continue to be updated with relevant information. You are invited to submit comments, examples or suggestions for incorporation. Be a part of the solution!

Contact person at AWFS: Tovi Spero,; 323.215.0311


Basic Guidelines for an Internship Program

Basic Guidelines for an Externship Program

Basic Guidelines for Speaking in the Classroom

Basic Guidelines for Hosting a School Tour

Internship Forms

Company Application for Internship

Company Evaluation of Intern

Intern Evaluation of Internship Program

Company Evaluation of Internship Program

Externship Forms

Company Application for Externship

Teacher Evaluation of Externship Program

Company Internal Evaluation of Externship Program

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Association of Woodworking & Furnishing Suppliers