Regulatory Resources


AWFS also stays abreast on issues directly impacting wood products, such as formaldehyde regulations and wood dust:


The Federal Wood Industries Coalition is a group of industry trade associations (including AWFS) working collaboratively with CARB and EPA to address language in the Airborne Toxic Control Measure (ATCM) related to formaldehyde emissions. They have drafted a letter with suggested changes to the measure as written so that no undue burden is placed on wood products manufacturers. The Composite Panel Association, who is taking the lead on it, has comprehensive information on their web site, including the letter and a listing of the associations in the coalition.  Click here to view more information.

Combustible Dust

OSHA is in the process of preparing new regulations pertaining to combustible dust that will affect the wood products manufacturing industry. Woodworking is considered three-times riskier than other industries by insurers and going forward, combustible dust will likely be classified as a hazardous chemical. Companies should be well-informed, equipment compliant and appropriate for the size of operations and employees well-trained. For clear-cut information on combustible dust, click here.

Related Links

California Environmental Protection Agency (Cal/EPA)

California Air Resources Board (CARB)

Combustible Dust Info – OSHA

Formaldehyde Emissions from Composite Wood Products (EPA)

Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA)

State of California Dept. of Industrial Relations (CalOSHA)

Technology Transfer Network Air Toxics Website (EPA)
Rule & Implementation for Wood Furniture Manufacturing 

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

U.S. House of Representatives
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