Woodworking machine manufacturer Accu-Systems’ assets, inventory, receivables and intellectual property have been acquired by Pillar Machine, a company owned by the son, Jeff Hatch, of Accu-Systems’ founder Mel Hatch. Jeff Hatch has worked in this industry with Accu-Systems for over 20 years. Jeff is the sole owner of Pillar Machine. Pillar Machine, will manufacture, market and sell Accu-Systems machines. Accu-Systems has serviced the woodworking industry for more than three decades. Its products include the H49 horizontal point-to-point bore and dowel insertion machine, M45 miter mortise and tenon machine, CMJ rail coping machine, and 2S panel sizing and squaring machine. Pillar Machine will focus its immediate attention on selling stock machines, but plans to bring new machines to the market at a later date. Read Pillar’s Press Release