SkillsUSA CA 2012 State Championships

SkillsUSA California

2012 State Cabinetmaking and Introductory Woodworking Contests

held Saturday, April 14, 2012 at the Town & Country Convention Center in San Diego, CA



Congratulations to the State Woodworking Medalists!

Click here to see the official AWFS press release (PDF document).

See photos from the 2012 SkillsUSA California State Championships:

See the project plans for the 2012 contests:


THANK YOU to our sponsors for their valuable contributions to this important local industry-education event!



What is SkillsUSA?

SkillsUSA is a partnership of students, teachers and industry working together to ensure America has a skilled workforce. SkillsUSA helps each student excel. SkillsUSA’s mission is to help its members become world-class workers, leaders and responsible American citizens.

The regional contest is the first level of competition for students in SkillsUSA. Those who score highest at regionals are invited to compete at State Conference, and those who win Gold at State will compete at the SkillsUSA National Leadership & Skills Conference (NLSC) in Kansas City, MO in June.

Top-scoring, age eligible medalists from nationals will compete at the WorldSkills Cabinetmaking Qualifying Trial at the AWFS Fair, July 24-27, 2013 in Las Vegas, NV. The winner from this event will go on to WorldSkills Madrid in 2015.

How does SkillsUSA help our industry?

With over 300,000 student and advisor members across the nation, SkillsUSA is one of the most widely recognized and respected organizations supporting and promoting students entering careers in skilled trades. It is of critical importance to AWFS and our member companies to see students encouraged and trained in skilled trades. Like all manufacturing segments, the wood products manufacturing industry is in need of skilled workers to replace the vast numbers of retiring baby boomers. We recognize that supporting students and education and is the future of our industry.

How can you get involved?

Although this year’s contest cycle has nearly ended, SkillsUSA is always seeking industry support and involvement at the regional, state and national level, and it’s never too early to start planning for next year! Assistance as a volunteer or donations of tools, supplies or materials are appreciated. Contact Tovi Spero ( to explore ways to help!

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