AWFS Supports CTE and Perkins Funding

The US Needs a Skilled Workforce

AWFS and the Woodworking Industry Support CTE


The wood products manufacturing industry, consisting of thousands of companies ranging from entrepreneurs, small businesses, and family operations to large corporations operating in all fifty states…

Requests your support of Perkins funding, apprenticeship programs, and other legislation to support a skilled workforce!

The wood products manufacturing industry is modern, computerized, and technologically advanced. We design, build, and innovate interior environments for residential, commercial, and institutional spaces. Our products – cabinets, millwork, furniture, flooring, stairs, store fixtures and more – touch Americans every single day in home, office, business, school, hospital, and retail spaces. We make life functional, comfortable, and livable!

We have jobs but need applicants. Let’s work together to re-establish the value of careers in manufacturing!

What We Ask of You:

  • Secure and increase funding for the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act to ensure a new stream of prepared workers coming out of K12 and community colleges
  • Coordinate efforts with the Department of Labor’s Apprenticeship Task Force and encourage alternative apprenticeship opportunities for small businesses
  • Join the Congressional Caucuses on Career Technical Education (if not already a member)
  • Seize every opportunity to positively portray Career Technical Education and manufacturing careers
  • Reach out to us for more information, resources, and to coordinate a district visit with one of our member companies!


Contact: AWFS® (Association of Woodworking & Furnishings Suppliers®) Anaheim, CA
Tovi Spero, Education Director,, (323) 215.0311 (direct)











(Click for printable PDF version)


Learn more about…

The Skills Gap:











Article: The Skills Gap in US Manufacturing (Deloitte)

Career Technical Education (CTE):

Perkins Act:

Apprenticeship Task Force:






Wood Products Manufacturing Industry Initiatives:

membership directory
and source guide Now online
Association of Woodworking & Furnishing Suppliers