Posts Under "members" Tag

  • admin
  • December 13th, 2021
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AWFS® Board President: Industry Remains Strong Through Challenges

What a year 2021 has been! To say that 2021 has been a challenge is an understatement. We have done more work from home than we ever thought possible and have been more effective and efficient doing it. Who could have imagined closing machinery orders without ever meeting with a customer in person? It now […]

  • admin
  • November 17th, 2021
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AWFS® Member Survey and Raffle Winners

AWFS® conducted its annual member survey last month – thank you to all who completed the survey! Here are some highlights: — Most survey respondents indicated that they joined AWFS® to receive a booth discount at the AWFS®Fair (85%), however nearly half also joined for networking (46%) and to support the industry (41%). — 84% […]

  • admin
  • May 12th, 2015
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AWFS® Member Companies Show Support for SkillsUSA Woodworking

                                                                                                  For Immediate Release Contact: Adria Torrez 323.215.0311 […]

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Association of Woodworking & Furnishing Suppliers