Posts Under "registered-apprenticeship" Tag

  • admin
  • September 24th, 2020
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New Apprenticeship Bill Introduced in the House

AWFS is happy to learn that the National Apprenticeship Act of 2020, for which we advocated earlier this year, has passed out of the House Education and Labor Committee. AWFS had submitted comment and expressed support for funding assistance for small business and industries who want to set up apprenticeship programs, and for career exploration […]

  • admin
  • August 14th, 2019
  • No Comments

Industry and Education members draft a new Dept. of Labor “Woodwork Manufacturing Specialist” Apprenticeship

Exciting news! A registered “woodwork manufacturing specialist” apprenticeship should be available in about a year! This is a hot topic and something our industry has needed for quite some time. It will help wood manufacturers (especially small and medium-sized) be able to offer an apprenticeship in their factories. According to Mark Smith, a member of […]

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