AWFS® Exclusive Benefits


The AWFS® member newsletter, The Suppliers’ Edge 

The Suppliers’ Edge is published four times per year, and is delivered straight to your e-mail inbox! It includes member and industry news, public policy and legislation updates and workforce/training and education outreach information.  If you are a current member and are not receiving The Suppliers’ Edge, contact Roschel Dizon and request to be added to the mailing list. See previous editions here.

Flagship Report – weekly economic update newsletter

The Flagship report is an economic update newsletter published by Armada Corporate Intelligence (economist Chris Kuehl). It is distributed to AWFS members weekly each Monday. Subscribe here.

Complimentary Society of Wood Manufacturing (SWM) Memberships

Membership is open to all individuals working for AWFS® member companies. AWFS® member companies receive complimentary SWM memberships. Activities include fund raising, educational and networking events in Southern California. Learn more about SWM here.


LISA LANDRY, Health Insurance Advisor

Lisa Landry is the exclusive health insurance advisor to members of AWFS® and provides members with the following and much more! To learn more, contact Lisa at

  • Research and explain health insurance options and rates
  • Provide quotes upon request
  • Offer Private Health Insurance Plans
  • Offer supplemental coverage
  • and more!


CJ Nord is an expert that can help with your supply chain needs: product sourcing, costing, appraisals, risk assessment, and more!

  • Supply Chain Education
  • Professional Appraisals
  • Simple Supply Chain Consulting
  • Advocacy

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Association of Woodworking & Furnishing Suppliers